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Mt Etna, Paradise on Earth, Decides to Provide a Show Right There Close to the Ski Slopes

March 18, 2012

This morning, I joined my ski buddies for what we thought would be just another day skiing on Mt. Etna.  We drove up the mountain very early to try to beat the crowds, as it was a Sunday.  We got on the cable car knowing the gorgeous sunshine would provide a lovely day of skiing.  Little did we know what was to come!

As we arrived at the cable car destination, we got off and went outside to put our skies on.  We looked up and saw that a small crater, right behind us, was puffing black smoke\ash.  We looked at it and then took our first run down.

As we returned to the cable car destination for our second run, we noticed the smoke was intensifying.  We walked outside and suddenly Etna decided to give us a show.  Suddenly, the smoke intensified, we started seeing red, lava actually bursting out amidst the smoke\ash, right before our eyes, and then the well-known “roars” and explosions.  The emotions were high for all around and everyone started just gazing at the spectacle.

As many of us stood there in awe, one young man commented on how we love skiing Mt. Etna for the views of the coastline below, but to even get an eruption right before our eyes is just too much!!!!!!!!!!

As usual, pictures cannot do justice to the actual experience!!


The view of the coastline from the slopes

Thank You, Filippo and Garibaldi, as I would not have gone skiing alone!!!!!


From → Mount Etna

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